Tag: grant writing

Reading Requests for Proposals, Grant Solicitations, Applications, and Guides

The first rule of research grant proposal preparation is: Read the Request for Proposal (RFP).  Then read it again. In fact, as a principal investigator or project director, you should probably read it three or more times and refer to it regularly throughout the proposal writing process. Q: Why should you read it multiple times …

Storytelling With The Scientific Method

Scientists are lucky storytellers.  Lucky, because they have the logic model of the scientific method as a framework for telling science stories.  That framework has the plot, subplots, the characters, and possible outcomes already in place.  Science stories are in every new idea, every new result, every unusual result, and new approaches to old ideas.  …

Telling Science Stories in Research Grants: Lessons from the Nonprofits

Nonprofit stories are about meeting a need.  Scientific or research stories ask a question. Nonprofits use storytelling in grant proposals, marketing materials, annual campaigns, appeals, and other promotional documents.  They do this so well that storytelling recently became a major theme of grant writing training opportunities.  Similarities exist between the nonprofit world and the research …