Tag: grant proposal

The Honorarium: A Compensation Compromise for Grant Writers

What is an honorarium? An honorarium is a payment that says “thank you” to someone for providing a small service.  A price or fee is not really set for the service rendered. Honoraria are income and taxable. Who receives an honorarium? Honoraria are very common in the academic community, especially in the sciences.  Individual faculty …

A Timeline for Grant Writing:

Humor and Truth from the Research Lab As a grant writer, did you ever want to know what it is like to write a federal research grant? Well, this flowchart from a biochemist  really shows that crazy process with humor and truth.  I lived this as a faculty member and laboratory researcher. This timeline and …

Grant Readiness: Repetition is Necessary!

Why does this topic keep coming up in the world of grant consulting? Many non-profit organizations and individuals are either new or naïve when it comes to grants.  Grant readiness is one of those topics that can’t be discussed enough.  It doesn’t matter how many times it is discussed or the many ways it is …