Tag: story

Middle Aged and Moving Forward

What kind of life is possible after the dissertation? What kind of a career is for me outside academia? These are a couple of the important questions that arise from Jacquelyn Gill’s Blog Carnival call on What’s Your Post-PhD Story?  Pieces of my post PhD story are within this website and elsewhere, but for personal …

Science Storytelling: Beginning a Story

Opening sentences matter. Today is DNA day. Sixty-one years ago a letter to Nature began, We wish to suggest a structure for the salt of deoxyribose nucleic acid (D.N.A.). This structure has novel features which are of considerable biological interest.” As opening sentences go, these two sentences are not as memorable as the examples below …

Storytelling With The Scientific Method

Scientists are lucky storytellers.  Lucky, because they have the logic model of the scientific method as a framework for telling science stories.  That framework has the plot, subplots, the characters, and possible outcomes already in place.  Science stories are in every new idea, every new result, every unusual result, and new approaches to old ideas.  …